
Money Magnet Network Signature Talk
1. Do you know Business Owners become really Rich when their Business has a valuation in the market? 2. Do you want to know how your business can start having a value, which you can encash? MMN is the only platform which has a structured methodology to train you in making your Business create Wealth for you. You are cordially invited to a FREE Signature Talk on "How to make your Business Saleable and Scalable" happening on - Saturday, 24th August, 2019 at Eye Level Sohna Road, 251, 2nd Floor, Vipul trade centre, Sector 48, Sohna Road, Gurgaon. from 4.30pm to 5.30pm. Link to register FREE ==> Priyanka Grover 8287240904 Coordinator- Money Magnet Network
251, 2nd Floor, Vipul trade centre, Sector 48,Sohna Road, Gurgaon